Government reliance
15:54 Jul 30, 2002
Well, that last post was not complete, and not ment to be posted,
but c'est la vi. Well, as for whats been going on in my life,
First, I'm unemployed as of the 11th of this month. Not a good
feeling being laid off - I get restless when I've no purpose to
my time, and I get bored being unemployed. I dont have enough
friends to have a week-day social life, and I cant leave the house
anyway just incase a prospective employer calls. This time tho,
its even worse being unemployed. Right now, I'm still supporting
2 people (although lilith got her work authorization, finally now),
which makes it scary. Think about it from my perspective. I'm
now having to collect social security, which is barely enough to
pay rent (probably not even if you take out tax), and in a matter
of weeks, I'm going to have exhausted all finances I have. I still
need to pay rent, food, internet, car lease, car insurance, phone,
and all that fun stuff, but dont have the income to do it anymore.
Scary stuff, I'll tell ya. So, I'm now a professional job hunter,
spending hours pouring over job ads and emailing prospectives.
Other than being unemployed, lessee. Lilith (my wife if you havnt
been paying attention) has finally got her website up. She insisted
on purchasing her own domain, so she's over at
silentgarden.net. She
is using the site to play with all the stuff she really can't do
on places like the GOTH.NET,
Magick IRC Services and
FloodWorld websites. It
DOES work under non-IE browsers, but not very well.
Ungod has also recently been laid off, and is looking for work. On
the upside tho, he has become active again with Magick, and we've
been making ALOT of progress. We still havn't caught the fatal
bug thats keeping it in beta, but we're getting closer. Magick
itself has also been getting more and more popular due to the fact
that Windows pre-compiled binaries are available. I'm surprised
at the amount of people who want to run an IRC server and services
on windows, but, there it is. Even the entire Magick project has
started to take off again. It feels like its been sleeping for
a year or so, barely moving, not much happening. I have been
working on it of course throughout the year, but it's almost
been like an academic project. Now, with users, comes real
movement on the project again! Users started posting in the
forums, bugs are being submitted, I'm even getting people willing
to translate the language files into foreign langusges!
On the GOTH.NET side, I did implement the quotas, as mentioned.
Very few people have decided to subscribe, but also, very few
have gone over quota. Thanks to those who HAVE chosen to
subscribe, its been a big help! Other than that, the system is
purring along nicely. We implemented some spam protection a little
while ago, which is working very nicely. We're also looking at
email virus protection (on the server), as the amount of viruses
being sent to GOTH.NET accounts has increased. I did sit down and
finally re-design the admin scripts of GOTH.NET tho (intergrating
the quota support, etc). It now has an actual SQL database backend,
no more flat files. This has made a BIG difference. While I was
at it, I converted the Forums to use the same SQL database.
As for DarkerNet, its still slow going. Not much happening, not
many new users. Alot of people coming in, saying 'hi, anyone
there', and not sticking around to hear an answer. A little
dissapointing, but not unexpected. Considering we do nothing
in the way of advertisement for the network, its not surprising.
As for my personal life, everything is great. Lilith and I still
get on well, and dont fight. For all the nay-sayers when we had
just met, "Nyah!". Now that Lilith can work, it might even
improve our relationship. One of the things she's always been
concerned about is the fact she could not really contribute
financially to the relationship, so it felt (to her) a little
one-sided. And since I'm unemployed, I welcome the chance to
have whatever I am drawing from social security until I get a new
job supplemented. Anyway, if you know of anyone needing a
C++/Java UNIX deveoper, drop me a line *grin*. I'll work via
satelite if they're not in the NYC region!
My head hurts ...
03:08 Jun 9, 2002
Well, the topic got its name because I currently have a headache.
But I'm sure thats not of much interest. Lessee, what do I wish
to say on my little pulpit today? Lets start by whats been going
on in my life again.
I finally did it! I went back to Karate! DAMN its hard tho. I've
not been to Karate for 8 years, give or take. Its a hell of a
workout. Because I dont have a recommendation from my instructors
back in Australia, I've had to start from white belt again tho.
Bit of a bummer, but I did it before, I can do it again. One good
thing about being white belt, is noone expects anything from you.
Which means, it gives me time to get physically fit enough so that
I dont feel about to fall over during the class.
GOTH.NET's filesystem started to die last week. I had do take a
day off work, go out and buy a new hard disk, and re-build the
system on the new hard disk, and then transfer all the data to
the new drive while it was still accessable. I lost a few files,
but I caught it early enough that the damage was minimalized. On
a plus note, I re-installed with Gentoo, something I'd wanted to
do anyway. So, everything on the GOTH.NET box is compiled for
it specifically. While we're talking about GOTH.NET, I now own
the domain (Michael Menefee asked me to pay for it this time,
so he transferred it to me). So, I moved it to a different
registrar and renewed it for 10 years. I also am going to be
implementing quotas as a method of recouping some of the money
I've spent on GOTH.NET over the years (and the money I have to
spend to keep the internet connection sufficiant for it). I'll
still be providing a free service, of course, just starting to
get people to pay for extra space above what they get by default.
Almost forgot about you all...
03:24 Apr 1, 2002
Ok, 'all' might be a little of an over-estimation of the
reality of the amount of people who actually read this drivel.
SO many things have happened since the last entry. I suppose I
should take it mostly-chronologically.
Have been trying (since November) to get the DarkerNet box sent
to me ... this time from WITHIN the country ... and wouldnt you
know it, its another GOTH.NET all over again. I still dont have
the box, and finding out whats happening with it, and exactly
where it is almost as easy as climbing Mt. Everest naked. Looks
like I'm going to have to threaten going to the police again to
try and get some action. At least its a little easier now being
that its in the same country, the police can do something. Small
consolation, if you've ever seen cops shows in the US.
Lilith and I got married at the end of November (30th, nice and
easy to remember the date!). Granted, its before either of us
wanted to get get married in our lives, but we're both happy
for it. I'd much prefer to marry her than to have to send her
back overseas ... again! Seriously! Up until this point, we've
been a couple 2 and a half years. Over 13 months of which, we've
been in different countries, with a major ocean between. Thats
not exactly stuff that makes you jump for joy. Let me tell you,
ths US Immigration and Naturalization Service is a service by
name only. You pay to fill in a form and get them to look at
it, and then they take months (literally!) to send anything
back to you, IF they do at all. More often than not, you have
to ring THEM to find out whats going on. Hell, they recently
jacked up the fees, and I'd sent in an old form with a cheque
for the old fees on it. It still took them a month to send
it back saying they needed a new cheque. Then there is the
'reduction of paperwork' act they harp on about all over the
place. If this is reduced paperwork, they must have been
single-handedly sustaining the domestic logging industry!
Anyway, with that all sorted, the next drama in my life was
moving. About 6 weeks before my lease was due to expire, I
was phoned by my leasing office, offering me a new lease, at
the same price in rent, etc. If I accepted, they would clean
my carpets or something. For the past year, I had been
getting screwed on rent. How do you know your getting screwed
on rent? Tell others what your paying a month, and if their
jaw hits the floor, your being screwed. I was being screwed.
So, I didnt reply, I simply started looking around for other
places to live. Just over a month before my lease was up, I
found a new place, and handed in notice to the old leasing
place giving them a months notice of my vacating. Should be
simple, right? guess again. They wanted *2* months, and
wanted to charge me an extra months rent, even though I was
not going to be living in the place, AND even though they
would have the keys the whole time. Naturally, I politely
told them to shove it ... in writing. In the end, I simply
moved out when I said I would, and gave them back the keys.
I have not paid the extra month they wanted to extract from
me, and if they want to retrieve it, I figure they can sue
me. It will cost more to sue than they will retrieve. I
am, of course, citing a clause in their own lease which
says basically "If we contact you with a renewal offer,
you have 30 days to let us know if you will be accepting
it or not." ... besides, I figure I'm not defaulting on
my lease, my lease is expiring ... screw em.
Anyway, so now I'm in a new place. Let me tell you, moving
is hard work. We moved ourselves, with the help of Kit and
Cherie (thanks guys!). Which we still owe them dinner at
a resteraunt for. The new place is nice. The rooms are
respectively double the size of all the rooms in the old
place, with the exception of the lounge room (which is a
little smaller). We also decided to turn the master
bedroom into a computer room, since thats where most of our
time is spent .. a good decision (recommended by Cherie) I
think ... gives us room to spread out. The place here is
a 'basemenet apartment'. That term alone almost made me
not look at the place. However, I have found that term
can be rather broad. Sure, the front of the apartment
(where the kitchen is) is undergound, but the bedrooms
have normal size windows at a normal height -- the back of
the house is fully above ground. Plus, the entre apartment
is newly renevated. New carpet, new kitchen, our own
diswasher and drier. On to of that, all utilities are
included .. AND the rent is much less than the old place.
All in all, I'm quite happy with the setup.
Being the new year, its tax time in the USA. Speaking
of which, being April, I now have to fill out extension
forms for more time. Not because I havnt worked out my
taxes, but because I'm waiting on the IRS (what a big
surprise). Why? Well, because Lilith is my wife, but does
not have a social security number, I need to apply for a
special number (called an ITIN) to fill in in place of a
social security number for her. Once I have that number,
I can file my taxes. I sent in the forms requesting this
number over a month ago. On the brighter side, due to
getting married, and a screwup in taxation by my employer,
I should be getting back over $7k in both federal and
state taxes. That should help things along quite a bit.
Unfortunately, $5k or so of it is already pre-allocated.
However the rest will go a long way to upgrading Lilith
and my computers (something Lilith has been on at me for
some time about).
As for the work front, everythings normal. I've recently
learned Java (creating a little configuration tool for
Magick as a test program to help me learn). I am taking
over a Java based project at work, so learning the language
was not optional. I can actually see huge advantages for
Java in some areas - especially for front-end graphical
representation programs. However, I would never, ever
use it for anything that was more than a front-end gui to
a back-end program. Its not fast enough, it requires to
much in the way of environmental setup, and its too fluid
(many things you do in programming require you to be able
to precisely know the exact state of the entire program at
any given time ... not something you can do in Java). This
being said, I now have added Java to my growing arsenal of
programming languages I know, and use for various purposes.
Next on my list I suppose is Python.
Finally, the most recent thing I've been doing. I just
installed a new distribution of linux -
Gentoo. This linux
distribution appeals to me greatly. Why? Its a system
designed to be built from the ground up. You dont ever
have any excess packages and fluff on your system, because
everything installed, you installed. Plus, you compile
everything you install. This means you can optimize the
hell out of it for your system. The perfomance increase
is definately noticable. Gentoo has a similar package
management system to FreeBSD's ports, but they've taken
the best parts of that, and debian's apt-get. Which
makes it easy to upgrade aswell. I've already added
several package to the portage system in Gentoo, including
(of course), Magick :)
As for other common threads (now that you are up to date
on my life). No, I've still not taken up Karate again ...
some day. Money is still something I consistantly worry
about, however moving has helped out a little. GOTH.NET
is going great, Lilith is now regularly updating it. I
tend to get behind on account applications, but I find
myself continually busy or not in the mood (trust me, you
dont want me reviewing your application when I'm not in
the mood). We also have now added a forums section, and
a method to read your email through a web-based email
interface. All in all, the improvements to GOTH.NET have
been extremely beneficial, with GOTH.NET once again
getting over 1.5 million hits a month. I'm also planning
soon on opening up a new music section on GOTH.NET.
Including things such as interviews with bands, song
samples available for download, etc. Basically a section
promoting bands in the goth scene world wide. Will require
some substantial effort on my part (I may eventually get
some help doing it), but I believe it will be worth it.
Still in my far-off plans is to get some GOTH.NET
merchandise made up (T-shirts, etc). As for my social
life, I still dont really know anyone but Kit and Cherie,
and people they've introduced to me. Hopefully this will
change, as Lilith wants to start going to some of the
NYC Goth Outings List events. Plus, Convergence 8 is
coming up, and Lilith and I plan to be there.
I know, this was a long one, I'm surprised your still
reading. I'm touched, really! *smooch*
Post-apocolyptic impressions ...
23:30 Nov 19, 2001
Rather morbid title ... deal with it. FINALLY got the last
component I've been meaning to get into the GOTH.NET box
installed today. 1gb ram. MAN is it nice to be able to do
stuff like paralell compile Magick ... and take FULL advantage
of the SMP nature of the GOTH.NET box ... without having one
CPU spending all its time swapping memory. If you cant tell,
I'm happy :)
On to other happy events. Last friday I got official permission
by the State of New York to get married. Now I will just have to
make an appointment with the Mayor of my local village, and get
him to marry me and Lilith. Nothing fancy ... yet. For those
wondering, yes, I DO plan on having a big shinding later on. When
I move back to Oz, Lilith and I will have to do this whole thing
again (Australia doesnt recognize foreign marrages to Australian
citizens). SO, I figure that since we're going to have to do it
anyway, may as well make a big deal about it. Will be able to
have all my friends come along too ... but thats a few years away
yet ...
*sigh* I need to go back to Karate (no, I still havnt yet) ...
I'm starting to gain weight for the first time in my life. Scary
stuff ... ok, I'm not exactly fat, much less obease yet ... but
I wanna nip this one in the bud ... I used to be fit once believe
it or not ... but then, I wasnt a programmer back then. I WILL
prove conclusively that these two things are NOT mutually
exclusive ... eventually.
My life never seems to be quiet. Some good, some not so good.
Work has started to become more mission-critical again, which
means everything I do is time crutial. I've been starting to
get more and more people using Magick again (alot of Magick 1.4
users ... almost tempting to delve back into that cringeful
code again to add newer IRCD support). But some people using
Magick II ... all of whome want some kind of support. Plus I've
REALLY been trying to get Magick II to stop dying, so I can finally
pull it out of beta. Then theres the whole marriage thing, and
me trying to re-install all the systems on my network, so I can
actually get around to intergrading the 6 servers I have (yes, 6)
to work in harmony (as opposed to now, disjointed). Then there
is of course GOTH.NET being back up, and me reviving DarkerNet.
Ah well, no rest for the wicked.
Finally, for a mental health update. I'm OK -- finances giving
me a bit of worry right now -- and job/magick constantly on my
mind for one reason or another -- but OK. Least I have Lilith
to keep me sane ... and sometimes (unfortunately), act as a
sanity valve. We (as a species) tend to save the most cruelty
for the ones we love dearest. Pitiful, eh?
Some people really must be purged from the gene pool ...
07:27 Nov 3, 2001
Ya know, I always thought that when you've been friends with
someone for a while, they can be trusted to do stuff for you ...
you know, go the extra mile, make that extra effort. Well,
turns out, I was mistaken.
As most of your probably know by now, from August till now,
GOTH.NET has been down. It all started when Lujan quit his
job. He made arrangements for it to be kept there, however
aparently management found out, and said it had to go. So
we got told we had 3 weeks to find a new home. However,
the next day, it was gone. It took a long time to even find
out what was going on with it, and once I DID find out what
was going on, we still had to decide what to do with it.
After much deliberation, I decided I didnt want to co-locate
back in Australia anymore, I just didnt have the right deal
available at the time, and I wanted to do maintanence on the
box anyway, so I ordered the box to be sent back to me. It
took several weeks of continually asking, and asserting that
I wanted the box back to get some movement.
Movement did I say? sure, but not in MY direction. Lujan
decided to give it to another friend of mine, Striker -- the
whole 'I dont wanna deal with it' thing. Nice to know people
will honour your wishes. So I started the entire process
again with Striker, trying to get the box sent to me, even
making deals for how to pay for the shipping costs, etc. Once
again, I was left to regularly trying to get status reports,
but eventually, he wouldnt respons to emails, nor phone messages.
I couldnt contact him. So I found an intermediary (someone we
both knew) to talk to him for me. Luckily, this guy could
actually get me the status of the GOTH.NET box (thanks Chris!).
It was still sitting on a desk, waiting to be sent. Finally,
I had to threaten legal action to actually get contacted by
Striker ... and whaddya know, a few days later, it was on its
All in all, it took 3 months to get the box back online, most
of that, spent trying to convince the two people who had it,
to actually get it on its way. *sigh*. I will say however,
FedEx is definately my shipping company of choice! Comparing
them and UPS, theres no contest.
In other news, Convergence 7 was fun. I would have loved to
have GOTH.NET online while it was happening, since it was a
net.goth event, but *shrug* no use crying over spilt milk. We
(Lilith and me) met two new friends, Kit and Cherie, who are
really cool. We met them, and 2 weeks later, they went to
London. Just our luck -- we meet someone we hope will help us
break into the social scene of New York, and they bugger off ;).
Such is our luck, so we just became hermits again. Speaking
of hermits, a big THANKYOU goes out to Hermit in #aussies for
sending me some Tim Tams (australian cookie, VERY VERY GOOD!).
At least some good things are happening ... I even now have
people using Magick II on a real network ... makes me happy to
see my product used, and they're prefectly happy helping me
debug Magick, and try and stop it crashing. Thanks to all the
folks at Hashmark :).
Hope may whither, but dissapointment is eternal ...
01:22 Jul 9, 2001
As mentioned last time, I sent in my application to get Lilith
over as my fiancee, and had my cheque cashed, and got a letter
that said "It usually takes 15 to 21 days from the date of this
recipt for us to process this type of case." I'd be forgiven
for thinking that they're working on my case, wouldnt I? My
recipt date was the 11th June ... so after 21 days rolls by, I
try calling them -- after not being able to get through for 4
days, I FINALLY get through, and enquire about my case. The
response? "We've had a backlog of that kind of application,
and they're currently working on cases with a recipt date of
the 10th June." My case hasnt even been looked at! And of
course "Its 15 to 21 days from the time we start working on your
case, unless we need extra documents or something. No sir, we
do not send out notifications of when your case is being worked
on, only the final result or requests for more information."
God bless the burocracy and blatent lies of the US Government.
Other than that, some good news. For some unknown reason, my
domain magick.tm has become active again! For months now I've
been trying to think of a new domain I could use for my project
Magick IRC Services, since the
magick.tm domain stopped working in february, as TM NIC has been
systematically shutting them down. Of course, .com, .net, .org
are all taken, and most of the others require a company in the
country you are trying to register the domain for. ARGH! But
oh well, I dont need to nomore ... I got my beloved magick.tm
back! And best of all, I dont need to go and notify the dozens
of places linking to it that the URL has changed.
And for those interested. I'm still not a socialite it seems ...
A combination of time constraints and lack of motivation seem
to plague me. Oh well, looks like I'll be a hermit until Lilith
gets back here to boot me into going to clubs, etc. That is of
course I get an email from someone out there wanting to hook up
some weekend for coffee in NYC or something. *grin* hint hint.
I suppose I've just been too busy working on things like Magick,
being CEO of RelicNet, and other such timesuckers. Such is my
life ... (please insert pity into the box ...).
In between worlds ...
04:02 Jun 18, 2001
Well, finally progress on the effort to reunite with my girlfriend!
I got confirmation that my case is being looked at by the US Dept.
of Immigration ... it only cost me $95.00 for the privlage. But
with a bit of luck I will have here over before Convergence 7.
Did I mention that? I booked tickets for me and my girlfriend to
go ... *grin* so if your coming to new york, or wanna meet me, then
you'd better book fast at www.convergence7.com. I'm looking
forward to it actually -- I've still not broken the New York goth
scene (yes, my fault) and this will be a big opportunity.
In project news, looks like Magick is finally coming along to a
point it could be released soon ... if I could get the damn thing
do to everything in the right sequence ... I even made it work
on windows (puke). Incase your wondering, my DJing career was
short-lived ... mebbe I'll do more with it ... mebbe not ...
Been thinking far too much about money these days ... namely my
lack of it ... I have bills still back in Australia, bills here,
and I still need about USD$5000 to get the basics of what I want
to do done on my network ... excluding the USD$15000 I need to
start up CoreWars properly ... *sigh* money money money. If anyone
is feeling generous, I accept cheques *grin* :)
I've been thinking more and more about home ... Australia. You
no doubt know the song 'I still call Australia home' ... its so
true -- no matter where an aussie travels, Australia is always home.
I miss being able to hook up with my friends, and all the social
stuff I used to do ... I suppose the missing is keener because I
dont have any kind of social circle here, and my girlfriend is a
6 hour flight away ... but it was nice being able to jump in a car
and drive up to Brisbane for a week ... knowing I had somewhere to
stay where I was always welcome (hey nota!).
My promice to post more frequently turned out to be a falicy it
seems ... I'm just not interesting enough to have a quote of the
day I suppose ... heh ... unless you wanna hear about my weekly
bowling scores *grin* I doubt it. I guess I should go to bed,
I've only got 4 hours till I need to get up for work ... Why cant
the world work on a midnight - 8am schedule ... I do ...
P.S. Theres new pics on my pictures section (a 4th page) ... be
sure to check them out ... I like these pics - taken in Australia
if you wanted to know ... scenery was beautiful.
Want to look up older stuff?
Goto the archive.